
Muncoy is a country, not a city, so here is a map of our beautiful country.
With 281,260,000km2 of land, it makes Muncoy the largest independent island in the world.
Muncoy, in our hands... Literally.

Approximate Population: 8,000,000  Including talking animals.
In Muncoy there are seven main villages and 24 sub vilages.

Muncoys' real name, translated into Mordan, is Polfix.
Meaning 'Gods Hands'.

You may be wondering how a ginormous stone statue of hands came to
be about in the middle of the ocean.
Muncoy used to be an actual island. Not just a pair of hands.
This island was called 'Munnan'. 'Gods land' in Mordan. 
On Munnan there was a giant mountain complex called 'Kiarann'.
On Munnan there were several small villages, wanting to honour the god of the moon,
Atherniss, who's symbol was a pair of hands.
So they set to work building the huge statue.
After the statue was built, the people of Munnan lived in peace.
Until the flood.
The flood the washed over Munnan, without a moments hesitation.
People left scrambling for life.
The few survivors swam to the statue that had towered above them, and settled into its palms.
No-one knows what life is like on the distant hills of Kiarann that survived the killer flood,
but there have been some signs of life there.

This is the myth that has been pasted down the many generations of Muncoys people.

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